Wow! This summer has been so busy. I've been taking summer classes online with Austin Peay. Silly me decided to go ahead and do 4 classes!! It's been a lot of reading!!! But at least I'll have 12 credits out of the way. Classes end this week and then I'll get a 2 week break before the fall semester starts. I'll still be taking 4 classes online, but it will be for 15 weeks rather than cramming everything into 5 weeks, and I'll go once a week to the school for biology lab.
The kids have started school. Ashley is in 8th, Jacob in 5th, and Megan is starting PreK. Megan will start going everyday next week, starting the 18th. She has gone for one day and will go again tomorrow, but is excited to go! Her meds seem to be working great for her ADHD! Caleb is in the process of potty training. We are doing "forced" potty training because I've decided I no longer will buy pull ups. He's actually doing very well. Still has a couple of accidents each day, but doing much better than when we had pull ups.
Daisy just had puppies on Saturday! They are so adorable! She didn't give us much warning that she was about to have them. She ended up having 5 in 1 hour! Then it was about 2 1/2 hours before she gave birth to the last one that didn't make it... :( But she is a good mommy. She had 4 girls and 1 boy....4 black and 1 black and white (the boy is black).
The garden didn't make out too well. We've had several storms with high winds that killed several of the plants. The tomatoes are producing, but they keep splitting before they get ripe...don't know why. The only things that has done very well is the okra and the cilantro. Carrots are still growing, so maybe they will be good too. Oh, and the marigolds are doing wonderful!! I know what to plant all over for color next year!!
Okay, I'd better go get some housework and reading done!!