Monday, July 26, 2010

Let's try again

Wow! It's been almost a year since I've last written. So much has happened, but not enough time to write it all down. So I'll do a short rundown:

Me: I've been attending school full-time and have finished all my prerequisites for nursing school, which I will be starting on August 30th! Yay! I've been in the process of getting immunizations since I don't have a record from when I was younger. That's okay, I'd rather be safe and be double immunized! Tomorrow I head in for my 2nd TB test. And next week I'll take the Basic Life Support class for healthcare providers. Then I'll need to start collecting the tons of books and other supplies!

Kids: They are all starting school on Aug 5. I'll have 4 kids in 3 different schools! Ashley will be starting 9th grade (high school); Jacob will start 6th grade (middle school), Megan will be in Kindergarten, and Caleb will start PreK! I think they all have mixed feelings about school....ready to see friends, but not ready to be there all day.

Ryan: Is still in New York. At this time, it doesn't seem he'll ever get to live with us! Fort Campbell has absolutely no openings...they are actually overstrength at 120%. The best thing for us to do at this point is to have him stay where he is, mainly financially because New York's housing allowance is almost twice what it is here so we're able to manage two households. Neither one of us likes this situation, but there's not much for us to do!

Animals: Let's see, we have about 2 dozen chickens, 2 guineas, 1 duck, 1 rabbit (sadly, we've lost 3 to the extreme heat this summer), 3 kitties, 2 dogs, and 1 neighbor dog who likes to protect our house.

No garden this year; just wasn't enough time with my classes and everything else. However, we do have a couple of squash plants that grew on their next to the sandbox, and one next to the rabbit hutch. Funny, if I tried to grow them, they wouldn't have grown!

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