Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Has it been almost a month already!?!

Wow, time goes by quickly when you're busy! Warning now--this will be a long post! Ryan just a left a few days ago to go back to NY after having visited for a few weeks. This time, Jacob went with him. I think it will be great for both of them, but especially Jacob. He is at an age where he really needs his dad. He's usually stuck with girls and little people. He'll be up there for about 6 weeks.

Okay, where to start.....how 'bout Ryan's running tractor! He did get it started this time and has just had fun riding around on it and put her to work pulling branches and trees, and the trailer to give the kids a ride. Of course, Megan and Caleb got to have a ride right beside daddy!

And the garden is growing! I already got a huge zuchini (which, of course, I forgot to take a picture of). It was about 10" long and at the widest part about 7" around. I sliced it and grilled it with some chicken...yummy!!




Watermelon...a total of at least 6 growing!






Corn and Sunflowers


And, I've noticed that Dragonflies gather to fly above the garden at dusk...I wonder why?

The chickens are doing great! We have had a couple of casulties..one of the older chicks--we think one of the stray dogs that's been hanging around dug underneath and got to it; and 2 of the little chicks. They are all out on pasture now. We believe the older chickens are all pullets and are Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, and Red Star. The little chicks are Rhode Island Reds and Speckled Sussex. We know one of the RIR is a rooster, but we're having a hard time with the SS. At first glance all 3 look like roosters, but researching the breed, it seems even the hens have big combs, and some waddles. So, I guess we're still waiting to see.

We may be expecting puppies sometime soon! Not intentionally!! Our little Pek-a-poo went into heat earlier this month and attracted a little boyfriend! He seems to be homeless, but well-mannered and sweet-tempered, so we decided to add him to the family. So, now we have Sadie, Daisy, and Charlie. I've been researching doggy pregnancy, and it seems puppies are born in about 8-9 weeks, so we'd be looking at the first week in August if we are expecting. BTW, if you think you know what breed Charlie might be, let me know. We think he has a little chihuahua in him, but we can't figure out what else.

And last, a picture of our littlest after having taken a bath after a long day of playing outside...he looks like a little sleeping angel!

Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day!!!

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